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Beneits of a Multi-cloud (Multicloud) Management Platform
28 Jun, 2023

Benefits of a Multi-cloud (Multicloud) Management Platform

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • References


Multi-Cloud (Multicloud) computing refers to using two or more public cloud services from at least two public clouds for different purposes within an organization. And so a multi-cloud strategy is simply a strategy in which multiple public clouds are used.

Generally, multi-cloud infrastructure users are enterprises. Each organization has its own reasons it is better not to do all their cloud computing on a single cloud. One of several benefits of a multi-cloud approach is avoiding vendor lock-in.

It also lets public cloud users mix and match services they like from each cloud. For example, they may like one cloud for its machine learning workloads and another for its cost flexibility.

There are several similarities between a multi cloud approach and a hybrid cloud approach. A multi cloud approach is not necessarily a hybrid cloud approach, however, because multi cloud just refers to the use of multiple public clouds, whereas, with hybrid, we are talking about a combination of public clouds with private cloud in an on-premises data center.

Hybrid cloud preserves the functionality of legacy equipment while allowing organizations to expand capacity by introducing public cloud resources. An example of hybrid cloud architecture would be LAMP software running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 platform with support for databases in a private cloud. Hybrid cloud management software is based on software-defined networking and routing between virtual machines across multiple data center locations.

Managing multi-cloud deployments can be complex, so it helps to have tools to maximize the benefits. A multi-cloud management tool provides a uniform platform for monitoring, securing, and optimizing multi-cloud environments. And so a multi-cloud management platform is a toolset of such tools for this purpose. These platforms often offer the administrative visibility and capability of cost management, cloud infrastructure monitoring, cloud infrastructure automation.

One of the key features to look for is a platform that allows you to define, automate, and enforce policies across environments to meet your organization’s unique security and compliance requirements. Also, organizations that have properly implemented a multi-cloud management platform have often seen a substantial reduction in public cloud costs.

Contact us for more information on multicloud management platforms.


  1. “The 10 Best Multi-Cloud Management Tools In 2023.” CloudZero, 11 January 2023. Accessed 13 July 2023. 
  2. “Best Cloud Management Platforms in 2023: Compare Reviews on 120+.” G2, 10 July 2023. Accessed 13 July 2023. 
  3. “Hybrid Cloud Management with Anthos.” Google Cloud. Accessed 15 July 2023. 
  4. “What is Hybrid Cloud Management?” VMware. Accessed 15 July 2023.